Friday, May 6, 2011

Because Jane is Real

As a kid, I watched the Jetsons and didn't think much about it. I have a memory, however, of their video screens ringing and the use of masks to cover their face so they appeared to be more kept than they actually were. I think this resonated with me because I tried to picture my mother smoking a True Blue 100 while video chatting with friends. Back in the 80s, one could hide behind a long chord and a telephone. You existed as a voice. But, because of SKYPE and other software, we've entered the day of face-to-face chatting, which makes me think about the need of having a refreshed face nearby so you look look when someone calls. Bed head would be unforgiving.

I had to meet with my students for this summer on video yesterday and I greeted them with a George Jetson face. I explained that it still is surreal to me to communicate with video, but I know it is the wave of the future. I understand that many flatscreen tvs already are equipped to be videophones, so the day is coming.

Total Recall.

Tools change. Needs don't.

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