Monday, October 24, 2011

Written in the Sky (and Happy Birthday, KC)

Yesterday morning, I was working when I looked up to hear this story - the story I've taught to my freshmen this year and that resonates with the research that I conducted at Syracuse University. I learned of this woman's work at the soccer practices I attended with the boys from Somalia, Sudan, Congo, and Liberia. We all read the book together, and now I teach it. It was strange to look up and see a report on CBS and learning all the incredible updates made in Clarkston, Georgia. To be honest, this is the sort of work I see myself doing. I need to be on the ground working with kids and building their futures.

If you have not read OUTCASTS UNITED by Warren St. John you should. It tells the story of Luma Mufleh, from Jordan, and her work to promote the wellbeing of refugee youth through soccer and tutoring. She's become a mother to many, many kids and now is building a school to best support them.

The truth is, all youth deserve this sort of support and ALL youth can achieve when someone or a community of someones are devoted to seeing it happen. Her dedication should be a model for all schools, all teachers, and all adults in the Western world. It takes a lot to help a young person to achieve, but it can be done.

We just have to get out of our own. We can make it happen.


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