Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Sunday Song

I couldn't function any day without a morning cup of coffee. Yet, on Sunday mornings, I love my coffee more than any other day of the week. When I went to bed last night, I knew I had limited coffee for my morning pot and that my Sunday brew was not going to be successful. I decided I'd rectify this through finding a coffee song, which I did - Frank Sinatra. It is my week's mantra.

Waking up. Brewing. Reading the paper. Perusing the internet. Letting the caffeine (and warmth) spread through my blood. Patiently awaiting the kick and then going for a long, Sunday run is a perfect 7th day to a week.

If you are fortunate, you are sipping a cup of GOOD coffee while you're reading this. That is the goal and delight. If you don't have a mug in your hand I ask you, "What are you waiting for?"

The best part of waking up...

Well, not Folgers. But something strong and with a kick.

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